The Top 10 Questions Your Interview Team Needs to Be Prepared to Answer

When you’re interviewing GTM candidates of any level, you’re most likely asking them questions around their responsibilities, track record and performance, preference of company culture, leadership styles, and experience with specific customers, tools and/or environments. 

There’s an overwhelming amount of applicants that you’re receiving, and talent on the market. 

You need to be efficient, and ensure you’re gaining a strong understanding of a candidate's track record and intentions to join your team. 

You’re likely asking candidates a variation of these questions, depending on the role and function.

(Examples below are for a Sales Account Executive):

  • What is your current territory? 

  • Who are your customers? 

  • How do your sales happen (zoom, in-person)?

  • What percentage are you traveling? 

  • What has your performance been in the last three quarters? 

  • Last three years? 

  • What are your short-term career goals?
    Long term? 

  • What kind of culture are you looking for? 

  • What are your salary expectations? 

  • What sales methodologies have you been trained on and what methods do you use daily?

When you’re asking candidates questions like those listed above, the first person to come in contact with the candidates need to be prepared to answer the same questions about you, your team and your company. 

Here’s what candidates expect and deserve to know: 

  1. What is the current territory (or daily responsibilities and expectations)? 

  2. Who are your customers (or how many do you have and are they primarily SMB, Enterprise, Majors, etc)? 

  3. How do your sales happen (zoom, in-person)?

  4. What percentage will I be expected to travel? 

  5. What has the company’s performance been in the last three quarters? 

  6. Last three years? 

  7. What are your short-term goals?
    Long term? Exit strategy if private?

  8. What kind of culture are you building? Can you give me some examples? 

  9. What is the compensation range for this role? 

  10. What sales methodologies do you adhere to, and what training programs do you offer? 

When leaders have a role they’re hiring for, especially new leaders, they tend to forget that they need to sell, too. 

Sure, candidates are expected to prepare and research. In fact, they better, or what’s the point in wasting your time? 

But know this - you are not the only company in town. You’re not even the only company in your niche that is hiring. 

People are attracted to companies and roles for a variety of reasons and it is your responsibility to paint the proper picture for them. 

It’s important for you to vet candidates, but remember that not everyone is actively looking. The passive talent that you’re going after will demand these answers.

And if they don’t…you may want to keep looking. 

That’s all for this week! Please share with your colleagues if you’re enjoying this newsletter ♻️

How to work with me:

Recruiting: contract or per-placement hiring. Reach me here.

Writing: Freelance writing for blogs and publications. Reach me  here.
Recruiting and Interviewing guides are available here

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